Member Responsibilities

  1. Members are expected to support the Club’s 5 Principles:
      • Good Fellowship
      • Good Sportsmanship
      • Good Competitive Golf
      • Good Pace of Play
      • Good Participation (regular play and volunteer activity)
  2. Members are expected to abide by the rules of golf, etiquette of golf, pace of play, the policies set out by Burnaby Golf and the Local Rules established by the Burnaby Mountain Golf Course. Members are also expected to abide by  the rules set by the other golf courses we might play, as part of our Away Game program.
  3. Members are expected to volunteer in support of programs of the Club and to assist in Club operations such as Board positions, Drawmaster, Scorer, Committee membership or other positions as needed.
  4. Regular and Prospective New Members are required to play a minimum of 12 Club competitions at Burnaby Mountain within the annual Schedule of Events in order to maintain “member in good standing” status.
  5. Regular Members who do not play a minimum of 12 games may be required to join as an Associate Member in the following year subject to Board decision.
  6. If extended absences due to ill health and/or unavoidable circumstances prevent a member from completing the 12 game minimum, an exemption may be considered. A request must be made in writing, sent to the Secretary, providing information for the reason for exemption and expected date of return to full play.
  7. Members are required to dress in appropriate golf attire; i.e. collared or crew neck shirts, tailored shorts or pants.
  8. Regular, Associate and Life members are expected to attend all General Meetings of the Club and cast votes on motions and elections of Board Members.