

The smooth operation of the Club is no accident.  Each year, many of our members serve in one or more volunteer roles.

Besides taking on a role as a director, members actively participate in the running of the club throughout the year. Volunteer activities include: DrawmasterScorer, and Membership on Various Committees


The draw is computerized.  Each week the draw is closed at 6:00 PM on Saturday night. The Drawmaster posts the draw on the Club Portal. He also keeps the draw until Tuesday at 10:00 AM and after making corrections sends the final draw to the proshop.  Any changes after that time are done through the proshop.


The Scorer arrives at the golf course for the first tee time as he is in the first foursome.  At the completion of his round he stays at the clubhouse until all players have completed their rounds.  He  enters the scores into the Club Portal, checks scorecards, and determines the winner(s) of the current competition.


Usually there are 2 Greeter/Starters every Wednesday. This is a valuable volunteer position for new members as it gives them a chance to meet other members and become familiar with the operation of the Club each week. Greeter/Starters have a number of tasks to conduct but primarily liaise with the ProShop, welcome golfers and explain the game being played that day.


The Club has established a number of committees to oversee various club activities. Committee positions are open to all members and are critical to the smooth operation of the club.

The duties and responsibilities of managing and operating the Club are not occasional duties, but responsibilities that require attention to detail, week after week.  The Club is indeed fortunate that, over the years, members have dedicated their time and skills to the operations of the Club.